ExpoNova Exhibitions & Conferences (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a joint venture between Colour Publications Pvt Ltd, Vincentz Network and NürnbergMesse Group.
Colour Publications Pvt Ltd. is the leading and oldest publishing house for techno-commercial journals in India. They publish 7 B2B titles related to the chemical and related industries, and are also the publishers of PaintIndia. www.colourpublications.in
Vincentz Network is a highly-focused, customer-driven publishing house and has been serving the coatings community since 1893.www.vincentz.net
NürnbergMesse is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world and among the Top Ten in Europe. The portfolio covers some 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses at the Nuremberg location and worldwide.www.nuernbergmesse.de
The Indian arm of NürnbergMesse Group today is one of the most successful exhibition companies in India, with 16 leading shows in almost every industry vertical and offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore.www.nm-india.com
Under the banner of ExpoNova, we organize shows like PAINTINDIA and HPCI India (Home and Personal Care Ingredients Exhibition and Conference). We also support our customers with large network of the Chemical Industry via publications, online portals, conferences and trade events.
ExpoNova is a ‘one stop’ contact point to access the industry of chemicals, coatings, colours and allied industry.